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كلمات اغنية 1 2 3 britney spears , اجمل ما غنت بريتني سبيرز

كلمات اغنية 1 2 3 Britney Spears،اجمل ما غنت بريتني سبيرز 16784 1-Jpeg


تعتبر من الاغاني الهاديه والتي حصلت على اعجاب المتابعين


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh, countin’


Babe, pick a night
To come out and play


If it’s alright
What do you say?


Merrier the more
Triple fun that way


Twister on the floor
What do you say?


Are you in?
Livin’ in sin is the new thing


Yeah, are you in?
I am counting


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with 3P
Everybody loves… oh, countin’


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh


Three is a charm
Two is not the same


I don’t see the harm
So are you… game?


Let’s make a team
Make ’em say my name


Lovin’ the extreme
Now are you… game?


Are you in?
Livin’ in sin is the new thing


Yeah, are you in?
I am counting


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh, countin’


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh


What we do is innocent
Just for fun and nothing meant


If you don’t like the company
Let’s just do it you and me


You and me
Or three


Or four
On the floor


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh, countin’


One, Two, Three
Not only you and me


Got one eighty degrees
And I’m caught in between


Countin’ One, Two, Three
Peter, Paul, and Mary


Gettin’ down with Three P
Everybody loves… oh


كلمة اغنية 1 2 3 britney spears



كلمات اغنية 1 2 3 Britney Spears،اجمل ما غنت بريتني سبيرز 16784

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